National R&D


Hydroxypheophorbide compounds, methods and uses thereof

Principal Investigator
Group Leader

Ralph Urbatzka is a principal researcher at CIIMAR, and team leader of “Biodiscovery for Health”. He graduated in Biology in 2002 in Cologne, Germany and received his PhD in 2007 in Molecular Biology from the Humboldt-University Berlin, Germany. His current research interests focus on the bioactivity screening and elucidation of molecular mechanism of natural products from aquatic ecosystems, in particular for metabolic diseases.


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This project aims at the protection of the invention CHLOROPHYLL through national and international patent. The CHLOROPHYLL invention aims to provide novel compounds capable of stimulating adipocyte proliferation and differentiation, accumulating excess energy and reducing metabolic complications and obesity-related diseases such as diabetes, liver or heart disease.

In this sense, this project aims at the protection through national and international patent of the invention CHLOROPHYLL that, due to their natural origin and low toxicity brings together the ideal characteristics for the development of new products and treatments against obesity and obesity related co-morbidities. The international patent application will represent a competitive advantage in the search for new economic partners to support the developments needed to take CHLOROPHYLL to market and to ensure an effective commercialization, stimulating the national competitiveness.



Leader Institution
Portugal 2020
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