Educational and Outreach


Oceanlab - Protegendo os Oceanos: vem ao laboratório fazer connosco!

Principal Investigator
Group Leader

Marisa Almeida is a senior researcher at CIIMAR with ca. 140 international publications. With a PhD in Chemistry (obtained in 2003) her main research area is phytoremediation, participating actively in studies that aim to potentiate the use of these biotechnological tools as nature-based solutions to improve and recover aquatic environments contaminated with different pollutants. Her expertise is on environmental chemistry applied to coastal and estuarine environments and on phytoremediation of contaminants in natural and constructed wetlands for environmental recovery. She also actively participates in dissemination and communication activities in the frame of CIIMAR outreach projects on water and ocean literacy.


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Ocean protection is a global priority and crucial for Portugal, a country with extensive coast and notable Exclusive Economic Zone. This protection can only be achieved by increasing knowledge and integrated discussion on the great interaction existing between the ocean and humans, as well as on initiatives such as the Marine Strategy Framework Directive and its descriptors of Good Environmental Status (GES).

OceanLab proposes the creation of a specific experimental laboratory (the OceanLab) to receive young people, their teachers and family members at CIIMAR, leading them in a holistic approach to increase their Ocean Literacy. The program is dedicated to perform hands-on scientific experiments, putting young people into practice, in a laboratory context. Experiments are related to integrated management of the marine environment and maintenance of GES. OceanLab also organises science in the holidays weeks and open science events to the general public. OceanLab is supported by the “CIIMAR na Escola” programme and its associated Science Blog.

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