May 30, 2023

EMERTOX sampling mission in Cabo Verde

A team of CIIMAR researchers recently headed to the island of Boavista, Cape Verde, for a major sampling mission integrated in the EMERTOX project, focused on the study and mapping of emerging marine toxins in the North Atlantic and Mediterranean regions.

A team of CIIMAR researchers recently headed to the island of Boavista, Cape Verde, for a major sampling mission integrated in the EMERTOX project, focused on the study and mapping of emerging marine toxins in the North Atlantic and Mediterranean regions.


Held between May 8 and 22, this field mission covered several rocky beaches (Atalanta, Santa Monica, Chaves, Varandinha, Gatas, Cruz), the salt pans of Curral Velho, the islet of Sal Rei and the lagoon of Ojo do Mar.

The sampling mission allowed to collect emerging toxic microorganisms (cyanobacteria, dinoflagellates and microalgae) that will be used in three main areas of work: isolation and cultivation of new strains; metagenomic analysis of biofilms to assess the potential production of toxins, and of new biosynthetic pathways for the production of metabolites of biotechnological interest; and isolation and characterization of new molecules using natural product biochemistry approaches.


Check more information on the samplig mission HERE.