15 May
| 11:30 am

Oceanus Seminar Series

Oceanus Seminar Series | 15 May | 11h30 | Carlos Jimenez

Title: The piscibactin-type siderophore system as a promising target for the development of new antimicrobials against infectious diseases in aquaculture fish

Infectious fish diseases caused by Gram-negative pathogenic bacteria are resulting great economic losses in marine aquaculture worldwide. We are studying their iron uptake systems mediated by siderophores with the aim of developing new treatments against those infectious.
This talk will be focus on the piscibactin type-siderophore system involved in the uptake of iron Vibrio anguillarum (Va) and ,Photobacterium damselae subsp. piscicida (Phdp) responsible of vibriosis and photobacteriosis, respectively. The isolation, structural elucidation, BGC analysis, and total synthesis of Pcb along with the preparation of several analogues will displayed. Moreover, the development of a vaccine based on the outer membrane protein receptor of Pcb and its role as very important virulence factor in the infection disease will be also presented.


Name: Carlos Jimenez

Title, Address: Full Professor at Universidade da Coruña; Education: B.Sc. 1984 and PhD, 1988 at U. Santiago de Compostela; 1st postdoc at UC. Santa Cruz (1988-90); 2nd postdoc at the Scripps Clinic Research Institute at La Jolla, California (1990-91); Visiting Professor: at UFBA (Salvador, Brazil); at UMSS (Cochabamba, Bolivia), at FAU (Boca Ratón; Florida), at UC. Santa Bárbara (USA), and U. Trieste (Italy). Professional Interests: Marine natural products (isolation, elucidation and synthesis), medicinal chemistry, siderophore from fish pathogenic bacteria, and new NMR methodologies. Research Publications: 145 publications, 5 chapter books, 1 book, 4 patents, co-supervisor of 19 PhD Thesis, h index 34 (Scopus). Invited Lectures, Plenary and Keynote Talks: > 30. Awards: Academia Gallega de Ciencias y Fundación Caixa-Galicia (1991) and Transferencia de Tecnología por la Academia Gallega de Ciencias y Axencia Galega de Innovación (2021).


This seminar is supported by the BlueBio4Future project. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 952374.


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