19 Feb
| 11:30 am

“Café com Ciência” seminar series

Café com Ciência with Vanessa Tavares | Online

The circular economy in the construction sector: an action plan

The online lecture aims to explore the concept of circularity in buildings in depth. By considering Built CoLab’s extensive track record, the session seeks to transform the way we understand construction, emphasizing the importance of sustainability and circular principles in building. It aims to raise awareness of the importance of rethinking traditional construction models, encouraging the adoption of practices that respect environmental limits and promote the reuse and recycling of resources, and to stimulate a constructive discussion between professionals and academics about the challenges and opportunities of the transition to circular construction.

Vanessa Tavares

Head of Sustainability at the collaborative laboratory for the built environment: BUILT CoLAB. She has a degree in Architecture (FAUP), a master’s degree in Energy for Sustainability (UC) and a PhD in Sustainable Energy Systems (UC, MIT Portugal). She has worked as an architect for more than 10 years, as a researcher at the Center for Industrial Ecology (CIE-ADAI/LAETA) and the Center for Architecture and Urbanism Studies (CEAU-FAUP), taught Construction II (FAUP) and Industrial Ecology (UC), and has been a trainer for the BIM course since 2014. She has published several articles in international journals related to the environmental impacts of prefabricated and conventional buildings, alternative building materials and building stock dynamics. She has been a member of Cost Action circularB since 2022. As part of her work at BUILT CoLAB, she developed the Action Plan for Circularity in Construction in Portugal (PACCO), among other work in the area of circularity and sustainability in the AEC sector and the built environment.


Free online webinar. To access please follow this LINK.

If you are a CIIMAR member you can also access last seminars recordings through the LINK.