19 Mar
| 11:30 am

“Café com Ciência” seminar series

Café com Ciência with Luisa Jorge | Online

Scientific illustration, art and science

Scientific illustration is closely linked to philosophical journeys and scientific expeditions, to the spirit of the cabinets of curiosities and collections between the 18th and 19th centuries, as well as to the communication and dissemination of science since the last half of the 20th century. The image becomes a figurative tool for communicating scientific knowledge, describing shapes, colors and details, based on observation and knowledge.

Luisa Jorge

Luisa Jorge, a graduate in Architecture from FAUP, has developed an interest in nature conservation and botany in particular over the course of her career, having obtained a master’s degree in Ecology and the Environment and a postgraduate degree in Scientific Illustration from FCUP.


Free online webinar. To access please follow this LINK.

If you are a CIIMAR member you can also access last seminars recordings through the LINK.