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Table 2 summarizes some of the major air pollutants and their sources and effects.

Table 2 - Principal air pollutants, sources, and effects.

Pollutant Sources Significance


House dust, pollen

Animal dander

Asthma, rhinitis


Copper smelters

Lung cancer


Asbestos mines

Building materials



Lung cancer, mesothelioma

Carbon dioxide

Product of complete combustion

May cause "greenhouse effect"

Carbon monoxide

Motor vehicle emissions

Burning fossil fuels

Incomplete combustion

Combines with hemoglobin to form carboxyhemoglobin, 


Asphyxia and death

Hydrocarbons CxHy

Gasoline fumes, smoke

Industry, cigarette smoke

Natural sources

Contributes to photochemical smog1

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons; lung cancer

Nitrogen oxides

Automobile emissions

Fossil fuel power plants

Pulmonary edema, impairs lung defenses

Important component of photochemical smog1 and acid deposition

Ozone (O3)

Automobile emissions

Photochemical smog1

Damage to vegetation

Lung irritant


Natural sources

Lung cancer

Sulphur oxides,


Coal and oil power plants

Oil refineries, smelters

Kerosene heaters

Main component of acid deposition

Damage to vegetation, materials

Irritating to lungs, chronic bronchitis

1 Mixture of gases (e.g. hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides) and photochemical reactions in the presence of sunlight.


Burcham PC. (2014). An introduction to toxicology. Springer, London. 327p.

Hayes AW, Kruger CL. (2014). Hayes' Principles and Methods of Toxicology. 6th edition. CRC Press, London, UK. 2112p.

Hodgson E. (2010). A textbook of modern toxicology. 4th edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey. 648p.

IARC (2012). IARC: Diesel engine exhaust carcinogenic. Press release n.º 213. International Agency for Research on Cancer, World health organization, Lyon, France. 4p.

Mishra PC. (2008). Fundamentals of air and water pollution. S.B. Nangia, New Delhi. 147p.

Spellman FR, Bieber RM. (2012). Environmental health and science desk reference. Government Institutes Press, Lanham, Maryland. USA. 914p.

Stelljes ME. (2008). Toxicology for Non-toxicologists. 2nd edition. The Scarecrow Press, Inc, Lanham, Maryland, USA. 207p.

Walker C. (2014). Ecotoxicology. Effects of Pollutants on the Natural Environment. CRC Press, Boca Raton, United States. 230p.

Online resources

Beychok M. (2013). Anthropogenic and natural air pollution emissions. Available at:

Boundless (2015). Photochemical Smog. Boundless Chemistry. Available at:

EPA (2015). Acid rain students site. EPA, United States Environmental Protection Agency. Available at:

Shah A. (2015). Climate Change and Global Warming Introduction. Available at:

Tutor vista (2015). Environmental pollution. Available at:

Tutor vista (2015). Pollutants. Available at:

Wikipedia (2015). Air pollution. Available at: