June 26, 2024

CIIMAR attends the first meeting of the Advisory Council of the Embarca Project

On June 20th, CIIMAR attended the first meeting of the Advisory Council of the Embarca Project – Towards Sustainable Fishing, organized by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC), which aims to certify some Portuguese fisheries.

Portugal boasts a vast diversity of species and marine ecosystems. Given the high per capita fish consumption in Portugal and the importance of fishing activities to the local and national economy, it is crucial to support sustainable fishing initiatives. These initiatives add value, provide information, and enhance knowledge about the state of fish populations, contributing to effective fisheries management.

Launched in 2023, the Embarca Project, driven by the MSC, aims to assess national fisheries using the MSC Fisheries Standard as a diagnostic tool for the environmental status of fisheries. Subsequently, the project seeks to define and implement, in a participatory manner, action plans to improve the environmental sustainability of selected Portuguese fisheries.