The AQUAIMPROVE Workshop is an initiative of the NUTRIMU group at CIIMAR /FCUP aiming to promote a regular meeting point for the scientific community and stakeholders to discuss issues related to aquaculture. The workshop is directed to students, researchers, the academic community, and stakeholders.
This will be the 7th edition of the workshop, which has always largely surpassed 100 participants.
The workshop will be held on December 7 at CIIMAR Headquarters as we feel that attending it in person is a plus for the participants’ ideas exchange and personnel acquaintance.
Of course, the workshop’s success will be directly related to the willingness of participants to attend it and present their works and the quality of the plenary talks (to indicate soon).
Attendance is free of charge; however, the inscription is mandatory and should be done at the following address
Abstract submission
We encourage you to participate and present your work.
Please send your abstract to, until October 31
Oral presentations: 15 min
Poster presentation
Confirmed speakers for the plenary talks (see also in attachment):
Ana Couto, Researcher, CIIMAR, Portugal – Nutritional Health Management in Aquaculture
Isidro Blanquet, AssociaçãoPortuguesa de Aquacultores – O Setor da Aquacultura em Portugal
Patricia Díaz-Rosales, Researcher, CISA-INIA/CSIC, Spain – Fish Immune System and Vaccines
Please mark the date!
We encourage you to participate and to disseminate this event among your colleagues and students.
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