23 Jul
| 10:00 am

Animal Health Symposium

The Animal Health Symposium is the first meeting organized by the Animal Health and Aquaculture Team (A2S)!

The Animal Health Symposium is the first meeting organized by CIIMAR’s Animal Health and Aquaculture Team (A2S) and will take place on July 23, 2021!

This symposium arises from the need to disseminate the results gathered in the INFLAMMAA project. The INFLAMMAA project provides a better understanding of the underpinning neuro-endocrine and immune machinery of fish fed tryptophan supplements during inflammatory conditions and delivers a deeper understanding of the basic mechanisms involved during acute and chronic inflammatory processes. This is particularly important for the aquaculture industry, where few therapeutic possibilities are available against infectious episodes.

The Symposium:

This symposium will comprise four online sessions centred on studies approaching animal health and welfare in aquaculture, with focus on nutrition and prophylactic strategies. The first session will be devoted to the presentation of the INFLAMMAA project results, which has been carried out by the A2S team on the modulatory role of tryptophan. Three other sessions will be offered in which participants will be able to share their recent research by oral or poster presentations:

– Tryptophan and Fish Welfare – opening key note by Dr. Erik Höglund (Norwegian Institute for Water Research, Norway).

– Nutrition and Health – opening key note by Professor Kiron Viswanath (Nord University, Norway).

– Prophylactic strategies I (Invertebrates) – open key note by Professor Marta Gómez-Chiarri (The University of Rhode Island, USA).

– Prophylactic strategies II (Fish) – open key note by Dr. Carolina Tafalla (Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria, Spain).

Participants will be able to only assist or present their latest work. The best oral and poster presentation will be awarded!

Registration and abstract submission FORM.

Registration deadline: 23.07.2021

Abstract submission deadline: 15.06.2021- extented to 22.06.2021!

For further information, please contact us at