Title: Nature Based Solutions (NBS): Constructed wetlands applied to effluent treatment and environmental restoration
Dissemination of research related to the development and application of eco-technologies to environmental sanitation, based on the use of constructed wetlands (individually or combined with other (eco)technologies) for effluent treatment and environmental restoration.
Name: Lúcia Ribeiro Rodrigues (UFRGS/IPH/LELA)
Biologist (1996), Master in Ecology (2002) and PhD in Water Resources and Environmental Sanitation (2009), lecturer at the Institute of Hydraulic Research (IPH), Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) and member of the permanent teaching staff of the Postgraduate Programme in Water Resources and Environmental Sanitation (IPH/UFRGS). She works in the areas of applied limnology, isotopic ecology, aquatic ecotoxicology and the effect of climate change on aquatic ecosystems, supervising master’s and doctoral students and supervising post-doctoral students. Leader of the “SbN AQUA” research group, which uses a nature-based solutions (SbN) approach and bioprocesses applied to effluent treatment and environmental restoration, through constructed wetlands, used individually or combined with other (eco)technologies. She is also a member of the Water Security Studies Centre and the ‘Ecotechnology and Applied Limnology Laboratory’ research group, both at IPH/UFRGS.
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