With Jorge Assis & Francisco Arenas
“Preserving the Southernmost Boreal Marine Forests”, by Francisco Arenas.
“Drivers and Patterns of Marine Forest Biodiversity in a Changing Climate: A Macroecological Perspective from Genes to Ecosystems”, by Jorge de Assis.
Francisco Arenas – Dr. Arenas is a principal investigator and leader of the Benthic Ecology and Environmental Solutions Team at CIIMAR. With over 25 years of expertise as a marine phycologist and ecologist, he has dedicated his career to studying rocky coastal habitats. His research focuses on monitoring coastal assemblages and advancing experimental ecology to assess, understand, and predict the impacts of global changes—such as bio-invasions—on coastal populations and ecosystems. He is particularly focused on exploring not only structural changes, but also their functional consequences, aiming to uncover how shifts in biodiversity and ecosystem composition impact the resilience and productivity of coastal habitats.
Jorge de Assis – Jorge Assis is a marine macroecologist, data scientist, and climate change analyst leading the Biodiversity Data Science group at CCMAR (University of Algarve). His research uses advanced modeling and AI to reveal how climate and connectivity shape marine biodiversity, from genes to ecosystems. He aims at informing strategic conservation and management policies by assessing climate impacts, highlighting refugia, and providing FAIR data, aligning with UN sustainability goals.
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