04 Dec
| 11:30 am

CIMAR-LA Seminar

Science-to-policy interface

With Isabel Sousa Pinto & Bárbara Horta e Costa

Science-to-policy interface

In this CIMAR-LA online seminar, researchers Bárbara Horta e Costa (CCMAR) and Isabel Sousa Pinto (CIIMAR) will present and discuss their work within the science-to-policy interface. The session will address
the multiple ways they use to engage with different stakeholders, specially policy makers, to discuss the relevant scientific findings and observations and to support the decision-making process



“In support of diversity of life in our planet: how can researchers help?”, by Isabel Sousa Pinto

“Marine conservation – some scientific contributions for informed decision-making”by Bárbara Horta e Costa.


Speakers biographies

Isabel Sousa Pinto – Professor at FCUP and Board of Directors of CIIMAR as well as Head of its Coastal Biodiversity group. Her main research has been on marine biodiversity and ecosystem functioning and services, and on sollutions for the biodiversity, climate and pollution crisis, focusing mainly on the algal forests and on the cultivation and use of seaweeds. Actively working on the science-policy interfaces: e.g. IPBES – the Intergovernamental Panel on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, as the Portuguese Representative, then elected to the MEP, author and of the Management Committee for several os its assessments.

Bárbara Horta e Costa has a background in marine ecology and fisheries, and does research in marine conservation and Marine Protected Areas (MPA) since 2016, particularly in MPA effectiveness and conditions for success. She has conducted and participated in numerous local and global studies trying to contribute to better MPAs and conservation measures. At CCMAR, the research group where she works (Fisheries, Biodiversity and Conservation), is highly interested and involved in conducting applied science to inform decision-making.


Free online webinar. To access please follow this LINK.

If you are a CIIMAR member you can also access last seminars recordings through the LINK.

In case of any questions, please contact CIMAR-LA’s Seminar team.