15 Oct
| 11:00 am

“Conversas com ciência” em Serralves – OCT

Marine Bivalves Cultivation:  challenges for the health of the species

The cultivation of marine bivalves faces increasing challenges due to climate change, which has a significant impact on the immune and specific systems, resulting in the emergence of diseases that negatively affect production. It was recently discovered that these organisms are affected by a type of cancer unique in nature that is contagious both between individuals and between species, which represents a new field of study in understanding the disease in nature. In this conversation, Sergio Fernández Boo will explain the challenges facing farmed species and how research can help develop solutions.

Researcher: Sergio Fernández Boo (CIIMAR)

October 15, 2023
Time: 11:00 am
Capacity: 25
Access: Entrance through the Quinta gate – Rua Bartolomeu Velho, no. 141 Panoramic Room – Quinta de Serralves
Free access, but subject to registration via the link bellow


More about the event at the LINK.