12 May

Multivariate Statistics with R for Biological Sciences

Online Course –  12 hours; 12-14 May, 2025

General Information

  • Target audience: Master’s and PhD students, researchers.
  • Schedule: From 10h to 14h
  • Minimum number of registrations: 5
  • Maximum number of registrations: 25
  • Language: English
  • Requirements: Basic knowledge of the R language
  • Course participants will receive a certificate of attendance.




  • CIIMAR/U.Porto/CCMAR/IPMA members (attach proof): 100€
  • External participants: 150€


How to register

Registration: after announcement, up to fill 25 available positions.
  • Register through this LINK.
  • Pay through bank transfer to:
    • CIIMAR Bank Details PT50007900000826888810276
  • Send proof of payment required to book the place (to ).
  • After sending the proof of payment, a confirmatory e-mail for the registration will be sent.

Course description

This course will focus on the most useful techniques of multivariate statistical analysis in Biological sciences. These will be principal component analysis, canonical correspondence analysis, multidimensional scaling, discriminant analysis and cluster analysis. Other techniques, such as correspondence analysis and factor analysis will be approached in a simpler way. Lastly, some techniques will be approached in a very introductory way, as it will be the case of canonical correlation, and redundancy analysis. A brief introduction to parametron and non-parametric techniques for hypothesis contrasts (Hoteling test, MANOVA, PERMANOVA) will also be part of the first session.

Although this course uses the R programming language as the basis for the examples and exercises, which will undoubtedly help the student to become more familiar with it, learning this language is not an objective of this course.


Aims of the course

The general aim of the course is to become familiar with the basic concepts of multivariate statistics and to know in detail the main techniques. The methodology to do it consists of exemplified theoretical explanations, for which the open source programming language R will be used. Students will receive the course lesson material in pdf format, which contains the theoretical explanations together with worked examples. The examples will also be provided as scripts in R language. In addition, students will be provided with data files, which will be used to perform a series of exercises during class hours. These exercises will also be reviewed during class hours.


Course Programme

Check the course’s programme here.



Aldo Barreiro Felpeto is a researcher at Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental (CIIMAR) associated to the University of Porto (Porto, Portugal). His research career has focused in plankton ecology. He defended his Ph.D. dissertation in 2007 in the Department of Ecology at the University of Vigo (Vigo, Spain) about interactions between zooplankton and toxic phytoplankton species from the Spanish NW Atlantic coast, southern Baltic sea and southern Tirreno coast. In 2008-2010, he performed a post-doctorate in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at Cornell University (Ithaca, New York, USA). Since 2011 he is a researcher at CIIMAR.

He developed a strong background in statistics and dynamic modelling with R software, attending 10 courses in the period 2006-2018 and since 2013, organizing 14 editions of courses about different aspects of statistics and programming with R, mostly in CIIMAR, but also in the University of Vigo (Spain) and the University of Magallanes (Chile). He co-authored two books about statistics and programming: Tratamiento de Datos (Ed. Díaz de Santos, Madrid, 2006) and Tratamiento de Datos con R, SPSS y ESTATISTICA (Ed. Díaz de Santos, Madrid, 2010).

Due to his expertise in statistics and programming, he has developed collaborations in different fields of ecology, but also environmental sciences and molecular biology. He has published 60 articles, accounting for an h index of 27 and an i10 index of 48.

In case of any questions, please contact CIIMAR’s Advanced Training & Careers‘ office.