Title: From algae to whales – a journey through the book Espécies Marinhas de Portugal
Espécies Marinhas de Portugal is a new book that introduces many of the marine species that occur in mainland Portugal, Madeira and the Azores. From algae to marine mammals, the guide includes a description of 734 species and around 800 high quality photographs depicting the organisms as we see them in their natural habitat.
Name: Nuno Vasco Rodrigues (MARE IPLeiria)
Nuno Vasco Rodrigues is a marine biologist with a master’s degree in Integrated Ocean Studies, author of dozens of scientific articles and several books on marine fauna. A conservation photographer and regular contributor to publications such as Oceanographic and National Geographic Portugal, his photos have won several international awards and he was named conservation photographer of the year 2021 by Ocean Geographic. A certified scuba diver since 2000, he has logged more than 1,500 hours underwater in various parts of the world, most of them studying and photographing marine life.
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