04 Oct

Neptune Seminar Series – 04 OCT


Title: Is the European seabass isometric? A software tool for annotating fish images in experiments.


Measuring fish at the beginning and end of feeding trials is challenging. Evaluating the weight dispersion of fish in feeding trials is better for understanding quality, digestibility, and other characteristics than just average growth. This requires weighing the fish individually. The software tool developed to accurately measure fish using images speeds up the measurement process and allows for better documentation of the trial data. A case study is presented on the evaluation of European seabass to determine isometric or allometric growth using data collected with the tool in feeding trials.


Name: Luiz Navarro (CIIMAR)


Luiz Navarro is a PhD student at CIIMAR and FEUP under the supervision of Dr. Rodrigo Ozorio. He holds a Master’s degree in Computer Science. He focused on the application of machine learning to natural science problems, e.g., the selection of potential biomarkers in metabolomics using ML over HRMS to identify biomarkers for COVID -19, Zika. His PhD focuses on optimizing the feeding and sorting process to reduce weight dispersion in aquaculture using computer vision, machine learning, and control systems.


The seminar will take place at CIIMAR headquarters (Boca da Baleia Auditorium).


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