Cynthia M
Rest of the world
HNS Spilt
Sodium hydroxideSolid
Amount Spilt (T)490
CAS Number1310-73-2
Physical Behaviour (SEBC code)
Pollution Category (MARPOL Annex 2)
Class according to IMDG code
Subsidiary Risk Class according to IMDG code
Classification as Marine Pollutant
HNS Classification (2010 HNS Convention)
Fate and weathering facts observed/reported
30% soda solution were spilled in Hackensack River and Newark Bay. After the spill, the pH beside the barge was 12, but by 3 hours later it had lowered to 9. Only the area immediately surrounding the barge was affected by the pollution. Recovery was impossible as the chemical immediately dissolved in the water. The spill affected birds, caused the death of fish and destroyed the surrounding marshlands. The possibility of adding weak acid to neutralise the alkali solution was studied, but NOAA recommended the use of fire hoses to increase dilution and to encourage the dissolution of the substance in the water column.