
António Marques


António Marques is Biologist, with a PhD in Applied Biological Sciences from the University of Gent, Belgium. He is Principal Researcher of IPMA and collaborator of CIIMAR. Experience in quality and safety of fish, and application of new technologies to improve the safety / quality of fish. He has published >150 articles in indexed journals (H‐index 42.0), is guest editor in the indexed journals Toxins, Environmental Research and Food Chemical Toxicology. He has experience in leading European projects (e.g. coordinator of Horizon Europe INNOECOFOOD, H2020 SEAFOODtomorrow, FP7 ECsafeSEAFOOD; WP leader in ACRUNET, SEA‐ON‐A‐CHIP) and national (e.g. MycoFish, FRESHFISH). Responsible for the animal experimentation laboratory (LABVIVOS) at IPMA.