
Eduardo Barros

PhD student

Born and raised in Natal, Northeast Brazil, he is passionate about coastal sciences, more especially, processes involving ocean waves. He holds a bachelor’s in Environmental Engineering from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, with an exchange period at The University of Adelaide, Australia, with postgraduate studies in Physical Oceanography at the University of Sao Paulo and a Master’s in Water and Coastal Management at the universities of Bologna, Cadiz, and Algarve, within the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s Degree program. He also has professional experience in the private sector, working as a numerical modeler for coastal processes, and in research institutes such as LNEC, Lisbon, and IH Cantabria, Santander. He is currently holding a researcher contract with CIIMAR and pursuing his Ph.D. on Civil Engineering – Hydraulics and Coastal Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, as a fellow of the “la Caixa” foundation.