
Graciliana Lopes


Graciliana Lopes obtained the European Doctoral Degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Specialty of Phytochemistry and Pharmacognosy in 2014 (Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Porto, Portugal/Heinrich-Heine University, Düsseldorf, Germany). During her career, she has specialized in the areas of Natural Sciences and Phytochemistry, with focus in Marine Biotechnology. Her work has been devoted to the chemical characterization of marine bioactive extracts, through different chromatographic techniques, and to the evaluation of their biological activities in different cell and cell-free systems, with a special emphasis in the fields of inflammation and oxidative stress.
She has participated in several national and international research projects, devoted to the valorization of marine resources in the biotechnological and pharmaceutical fields, including the joint collaboration project ALCHEMY (POCI-01-0247-FEDER-027578), between the Biotechnology School of the Portuguese Catholic University (ESB-UCP) and the North American Amyris, devoted to the economic valorization of Amyris industrial fermentation coproducts/residues for the development of innovative products for cosmetic applications. She had the opportunity to join international consortiums and work with researchers and companies from Spain, France, England and Ireland, and to supervise PhD and Master Students.
Presently, she is an Assistant Researcher at CIIMAR (CEECIND), and her field of research focus the exploitation of marine bioactive compounds in molecular targets and mediators underlying the inflammatory process, and also their application in cosmetic industry.