
Marta Correia

Administrative Services
Image, Communication and Outreach

Marta Correia is a Marine Biologist with a MSc in Aquatic Biological Resources. Her main interests are mainly focused on science communication and outreach, especially related to Ocean Literacy projects. Creator of experimental materials / activities / protocols in the areas of marine and environmental sciences. She has experience in executing and evaluating science communication programs especially related to environmental education and marine education activities. Organizer and coordinator of several training actions for Teachers in Experimental Teaching of Marine Sciences. Lecturer in several workshops related to Ocean Literacy and experimental science teaching. She contributed to several projects including “CIIMAR na Escola”, “OceanLab”, “SeaChange” “MALIA” and “NetTag”, especially related to the school community and aiming to increase scientific Literacy and in particular Ocean Literacy, promoting experimental teaching, Ocean conservancy and the curiosity for marine and environmental sciences.