
Tiago Ferradosa


Tiago Fazeres Ferradosa is a Professor at Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto and researcher CIIMAR. Tiago is currently responsible for the R&D unit Offshore Structures & Foundations at the Marine Energy Group. Tiago was an MSc. researcher at University College London and developed his PhD in UPORTO on the topic of reliability analysis of optimised scour protections for offshore foundations. He is also involved as responsible, co-responsible and team member, in the several R&D projects related to offshore engineering and marine renewable energy research, such as MARINET proposal 61; HYDRALAB+ (Proteus proposal); ORACLE; POSEIDON and i.nano.WEC. He performs supervision activities of doctoral and master degree students in civil engineering at the University of Porto and has been responsible for the organisation of more than 45 conferences, courses, symposia and other scientific and professional events. He is the editor of the IAHR Newsflash Europe and co-Editor in Chief of Maritime Engineering (ICE). He acts as member of the editorial panel in 17 international peer-reviewed journals and was Guest Editor of SI in Renewable Energy (Elsevier) and reviewer in other 27 international peer-reviewed journals. Tiago is the author of more than 56 scientific journal peer-reviewed publications (indexed in Scopus and WoS) and founder and co-organiser of the IOSD course series. He was President of the IAHR Portugal Young Professionals Network, the Coordinator of the Young Professionals of the Portuguese Association of Water Resources and elected member of the Monitoring Committee of the Civil Engineering Doctoral Program between 2016 and 2018. He is the Portuguese appointed member of the Technical Committee 213 – Scour and Erosion of the ISSMGE. Dr. Tiago was also the awarded researcher of the APRH best PhD thesis of 2018/2019, the Young JMSE researcher award of 2021, Best JMSE Paper award 2022 and co-winner of the Halcrow Prize of the Institution of Civil Engineers in 2022. He acts as an external evaluator at Stavanger University (Norway) and was the President of the Specialized Commission Water and Energy of APRH from 2022-2023 and is currently member of the board of APRH. Currently, is also member of the Executive Committee of the Civil Engineering Department of the Faculty of Engineering of UPorto.