May 26, 2023

Ocean3R project organizes CIIMAR school visit

A morning full of activities raising the students’ awareness of environmental protection

On May 24, 10th grade students from João Gonçalves Zarco Secondary School visited CIIMAR! They participated in several activities, under the Ocean3R project . The project, funded by Norte 2020, mobilizes a large team of CIIMAR researchers around the European Union’s Mission “Recovering our Ocean and Waters by 2030” (#MissionOcean), developing solutions to reduce pollution and recover degraded ecosystems along the northern coast of Portugal. Mobilizing citizens to play an active role in protecting the oceans is also one of the project’s priorities. Thus, the students had the opportunity to accompany young CIIMAR researchers working on the themes of microplastic monitoring, oil bioremediation, kelp forest recovery and sustainable aquaculture – a very well spent morning!