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Access to Ecosystems

Coastal ecosystems nearby CIIMAR includes a large diversity of habitats, both marine and estuarine. The Atlantic platform of our energetic coasts provides a large variety of seabeds, from soft sediment bottoms to luxurious rocky reefs.

Extensive rocky shores and sandy beaches characterizes the North coast of Portugal. Also estuarine zones including large river mouths like in the case of river Minho, Lima, Douro or Cavado, and coastal lagoons like Ria de Aveiro are embedded in this coastal area.
CIIMAR Access to Ecosystem platform aims to facilitate research activities by sharing its deep and long-term knowledge on the fauna, flora and environmental conditions of the different ecosystems of the North Portuguese coast and by providing logistic facilities and guidance throughout the research activity process.
CIIMAR Scientific Diving Center is fully equipped to support research at underwater level following European Scientific Diving Standards. Equipment includes full diving gear sets, wide-range of tools and equipment needed to execute diverse observational surveys, manipulative experiments, biological and non-biological collection samples and image collection (video and photograph). CIIMAR ocean research facilities include multi-parametric CTD, underwater deployable light and temperature sensors, water and plankton sampling devices, underwater hydrophone, Van Veen sediment grabs, etc.

Principal Investigator
Group Leader

Proactive marine ecologist with more than 25 years of experience in the research coastal ecosystems. My research primarily involves experimental ecology and modeling tools to understand and predict the effects of global changes on coastal populations and ecosystems, from both structural and functional perspectives.
Marine Ecology, Coastal ecosystems, Climate change, Biodiversity, Ecosystem functioning, Marine Forests, Biological invasions, Phycology.
Head of the Benthic Ecology Team at CIIMAR since 2020.


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Analytical Laboratories
Aquaculture and Animal Experimentation Facility
Biodiscovery and Omics
Blue Biobank