Educational and Outreach

CIIMAR at school

CIIMAR at school

Principal Investigator
Laura4 - Laura Guimaraes
Group Leader

I am Senior Scientist at CIIMAR, where I head the Ecosystem Monitoring and Sustainability (EcoSignal) team and the Technological Platform of Ecotoxicological Services. I am also Invited Assistant Professor, and Coordinator of the UNESCO Chair Ocean Expert, at the University of Porto. I am a collaborator of the research group Monitoring and Modelling at Universidade Positivo (Brazil). My main expertise is in environmental toxicology and monitoring, hazard assessment, pollution and biodiversity, and ocean literacy. I got the Magellan Circumnavigation Research Prize (bee biodiversity, FCT) in 2020. My PhD is in Biomedical Sciences, with research work at the CNRS (France).


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This is a multi­approach project aimed at consolidating thematic networks of knowledge transfer and sharing of resources between CIIMAR, school students, teachers and other professional educators.

This is done by: A) creating and/or consolidating active partnerships with interaction and continuous updating among partners, B) involving university students to perform experimental activities in schools, promoting the interplay within the education system, C) bringing scientists to schools to give lectures within their field of expertise, and D) assisting teachers with sharing of resources and free experimental protocols through a web­based platform containing ready­made materials with specialist consultation. For its scope and aim the proposal fits into the goals of the Ciência Viva project Knowing the Ocean, a navigation chart for Ocean Literacy.

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