Transnational R&D


Maritime, Ocean Sector and Ecosystem Sustainability: fostering blue growth in Atlantic industries

Investigador principal


Emeritus Professor of the University of Porto. BSc in Biology (University of Coimbra) and PhD (Physiology of Aquatic Animals) at the University of Nice (France). Full Professor at ICBAS (Institute of Biomedical Sciences Abel Salazar), Founding Director of CIIMAR and CIMAR – Associate Laboratory. Former Vice-President of OCEANO XXI. National Delegate of European Framework Programmes (1994-2013). Scientific Interests focus on the biological basis of aquaculture, and ecophysiology of aquatic animals including the effects of pressure. Author or co-author of approximately 80 articles in international publications. Supervisor and co-supervisor of PhD students and post-docs. Management of many national and international research projects.

Biologia de Peixes e Pescas

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The MOSES objectives of the MOSES project is to examine the ‘blue’ growth path for the sustainable development of the major sectors operating in the Atlantic space as envisaged in the Atlantic Action Plan. MOSES will quantify blue growth for key marine sectors and develop a common methodology for the quantitative assessment of sectoral pressures on the marine environment and the vulnerability of marine and coastal areas. The methodology will contribute to the joint implementation of integrated marine industry sustainability assessment toolkits across the Atlantic region.

To achieve these aims the consortium will work on four major blocks:

  • Evaluate the evolution of the Atlantic marine sectors using the previous Atlantic Area project MARNET framework;
  • Examine the sectoral pressures on the Atlantic marine environment in order to identify best management practices;
  • Assess the vulnerability of coastal marine areas/features to marine sector to the identified sectoral pressures;
  • Using case studies, develop sustainable transition plans to blue growth for a number of key marine sectors and test policies for how well they manage activities to meet Marine Spatial Planning and Maritime Strategy Framework Directive goals.
Equipas de investigação
Ecologia de Peixes e Sustentabilidade
Biologia de Peixes e Pescas
Instituição líder
National University of Ireland
Interreg Atlantic Area
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