Queremos facilitar o desenvolvimento e promover aprendizagens úteis, mas nem sempre sabemos como fazê-lo de forma adequada às caraterísticas de cada criança e adolescente.
– conhecer as principais caraterísticas das crianças e adolescentes com PEA e PHDA
– refletir sobre possíveis estratégias de gestão de comportamentos
Maria João Trigueiro – Maria João Trigueiro is an occupational therapist and lecturer with interest in the field of pediatrics, ADHD, neurology and well-being. Full Professor at the Health School (ESS-P.Porto). She has contributed in several national and international research projects regarding disability and social exclusion. As Professor she teaches at the degree and master levels both at ESS-P.Porto and at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences – University of Porto (FPCEUP). She participates as a staff member in the Psychosocial Rehabilitation Lab (http://www.labrp.com), and on the Porto Interactive Neuroscience Group (www.portointeractivecenter.org/ping), Her research interests are related with the wellbeing of people who suffer from neuro, musculoskeletal and development dysfunction (children and adults) throughout helping with their Life Style Redesign, and the Use of Interactive and Virtual Reality Technologies in the treatment of different pathologies, in both children and adults.
Participation in European/FP and other related projects:
1. UKROTHE – Study Programme Occupational Therapy in Ukraine. GRANT_NUMBER: 609589-EPP-1-2019-1-BE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP. 2020-01 to 2023-12.
2. Active Citizens for Europe – “Inter Gera Ação (IGA)” . Project reference: 546709 – Europe for Citizens. Dates: 2013-2014.
3. Move4Health (PT – Portugal Telecom; Grant:20.000 euros): promoting active ageing throughout dual task intervention using a serious game approach (2013 a 2014).
4. LIFEisGAME(grant reference UTA-Est/MAI/0009/2009): 2010-2013 – Learning Facial Emotions using Serious Games, UT Austin|PortugalProgram (Co-PI)
5. REDeShien (REF. NORTE-05-0227-FEDER-000130): 2011-2013 – Network of Social and Human Development for Inclusion and Employability in North of Portugal (Co-PI)
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