
Leticia Weber


I completed my bachelor’s degree in biological sciences in July 2019 in Rio de Janeiro with an emphasis on environment and water resources. I am doing a master’s degree in biology and water quality management in Portugal at Universidade do Porto, where I am already doing my master thesis focused on phytoremediation and water quality. Since the beginning of my journey as a biologist, I am very interested and motivated. I have always been part of research groups during several internships at biochemistry, immunology and aquatic ecology laboratories. In the 5 years of studying and researching I learned a lot about laboratory techniques, how to plan research projects, how to write scientific articles and how to do different types of analysis. Today, I am very excited about what I study and very focused. I believe that my experience in other areas helped me to be sure that I love biology. Also, it helped me understand how people think and interact with the environment, so I can make more environment-friendly solutions for the future. I have always participated in volunteer projects that aim to educate people to prevent future problems, such as water scarcity and water pollution. I also fully believe in the concept of sustainability and all its applications and meanings. I move my life to try to live, disseminate and use my knowledge in favor of this idea.