
Tomás Cabral

Bolsa de investigação

Tomás Calheiros Cabral is a PhD student at the Hydraulic Structures and Marine Energy Group of FEUP/CIIMAR , who obtained a Master’s Degree from the same institution in Civil Engineering – Hydraulics, in 2018. He developed his master thesis project in entrepreneurial environment, on the topic of breakwater-integrated wave energy converters. After graduating, he continued as a research fellow in the SE@PORTS project. After the end of this project, he carried out his research on Marine Renewable Energy, particularly in ports, as a research fellow on the PORTOS project. Having obtained a PhD grant in 2021, he started his PhD on the development of a hybrid WEC for breakwater integration.

During his research fellowships and PhD, he participated in multiple research projects related to Marine Renewable Energy and coastal protection. He has extensively expanded his expertise in physical and numerical modelling of coastal and offshore structures through several projects, mobility programs, training schools and workshops abroad. He is experienced in physical model testing of MRE and coastal protection structures, and in the use of OpenFOAM and DualSPHysics for engineering applications. Moreover, he taught in multiple didactic events for students (Montra UP, Universidade Junior) and industry-aimed (Course “Marine Renewable Energies and their integration in Ports”). Tomás is the (co-)author of 17 journal and conference publications on various topics.