Environmental persistence and transformation processes
Table 1 - Environmental half-life of some chemical contaminants.
Contaminant | Half-Life | Media |
DDT | 10 years | Soil |
TCDD | 9 years | Soil |
Atrazine | 25 months | Water |
Benzoperylene (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH)) | 14 months | Soil |
Phenanthrene (PAH) | 138 days | Soil |
Carbofuran | 45 days | Water |
Source: Hodgson E. (2010).
- Reversible reactions - involve continuous exchange among chemical states (ionization - e.g.: precipitation and dissolution -, complexation). These reactions alter the fate and toxicity of chemicals, but they do not irreversibly change the structure or properties of the chemical. Additionally, reversible reactions are usually abiotic, although biological processes can still exert great influence over them (e.g.: through a change in pH or production of complexing agents).
- Irreversible reactions - permanently transform a parent chemical into a reaction product (photolysis, hydrolysis, and many redox reactions). Many redox reactions are reversible, however they are included in the irreversible reactions because many of these reactions influencing the fate of contaminants are irreversible on the temporal and spatial scales which are important to toxicity. These reactions alter the structure and properties of a chemical forever and can be abiotic or can be mediated directly by biota, particularly bacteria.
For more information on these reactions see Hodgson E. 2010 (pp. 561-563)
There are a plethora of environmental
forces that compromise the structural integrity of chemicals in the
environment. Many prominent abiotic degradative processes occur due to
the influences of light (photolysis) and water (hydrolysis). The effect
of physical factors on degradation through photolysis and hydrolysis
studies and the identification of the product formed can indicate the
loss rate of the hazardous chemical or the possible formation of
hazardous degradation products.
Photolysis - Light, primarily in the ultraviolet range, has the
potential to break chemical bonds and therefore can contribute
significantly to the degradation of some chemicals. Photolysis can take
place wherever sufficient light energy exists. Hence, this process is
most likely to occur in the atmosphere (in the gas phase and in
aerosols and fog/cloud droplets), surface waters (in the dissolved
phase or at the particle-water interface), and in the terrestrial
environment (on plant and soil/mineral surfaces). The photolysis rate
in surface waters depends on light intensity at the air-water
interface, the transmittance through this interface, and the
attenuation through the water column. Open ocean waters ("blue water")
can transmit blue light to depths of 150 m, while highly eutrophic or
turbid waters might absorb all light within 1 cm of the surface.
Photolysis is dependent upon the intensity of the light but also the
capacity of the pollutant molecules to absorb the light. For example,
unsaturated aromatic compounds such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
tend to be highly susceptible to photolysis due to their high capacity
to absorb light energy. Some of these transformation products can be
more toxic than the parent compound. Light energy can also facilitate
the oxygenation of environmental contaminants via hydrolytic or
oxidative processes. The photooxidation of the organophosphorus pesticide parathion is shown in fig. 2.
Figure 2 - The effect of sunlight (photooxidation) and
precipitation (hydrolysis) on the degradation of parathion. Source:
Hodgson E. (2010).
- Water, often in combination with light energy or heat, can break
chemical bonds. Hydrolytic reactions commonly result in the insertion
of an oxygen atom into the molecule with the commensurate loss of some
component of the molecule. Ester bonds, such as those found in
organophosphate pesticides (e.g.: parathion; fig. 1), are highly
susceptible to hydrolysis, which dramatically lowers the environmental
half-lives of these chemicals. Hydrolytic rates of chemicals are
influenced by the temperature and pH of the aqueous media. Rates of
hydrolysis increase with increasing temperature and with extremes in
pH. Therefore, pH and temperature influence the fate and the effects of
a contaminant.
Hydrolysis is usually associated with surface waters but also takes place in the atmosphere (fogs and clouds), in groundwater, at the particle-water interface of soils and sediments, and in living organisms.
Many environmental contaminants are susceptible to abiotic degradative processes, however such processes often occur at low rates. On the other hand, the environmental degradation of chemical contaminants can occur at greatly accelerated rates through the action of microorganisms. Microorganisms (bacteria, archaea, and fungi) most frequently degrade organic and inorganic compounds by using them as electron acceptors, electron donors, or as sources of nutrients such as sulphur or nitrogen. For example, many agricultural chemicals are susceptible to fungal or bacterial degradation, being frequently broken down to products that can enter the carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen cycles. These biotic degradative processes are enzyme mediated and typically occur at rates that far exceed abiotic degradation, as referred above. Moreover, the biotic degradative processes can lead to complete mineralization of chemicals to water, carbon dioxide, and basic inorganic constituents.
Biotic degradation includes those processes associated with abiotic degradation (e.g.: hydrolysis and oxidation) and other processes such as the scission of ringed structures (ring cleavage), the removal of chlorine atoms (dehalogenation), and the removal of carbon chains (dealkylation). In some cases, the products of degradation or metabolites can be more harmful to the environment than the original parent compound.
Bioremediation - The process by which microorganisms are used to facilitate the removal of environmental contaminants. To better understand the bioremediation process, see the following videos:
See the following Video:
- Cleaning Oil Spills by Promoting Biodegradation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wNiCcW8Ama0
Many processes that contribute to the regional elimination of a contaminant by altering its distribution are operative in the environment:
- Contaminants with sufficiently high vapour pressure can evaporate from contaminated compartments (aquatic or terrestrial) and can be transferred through the atmosphere to new locations. Such processes of global distillation are considered largely responsible for the worldwide distribution of relatively volatile organochlorine pesticides such as hexachlorobenzene and lindane.
- Entrainment by wind and upper atmospheric currents of contaminant particles or dust onto which the contaminants are sorbed also contributes to contaminant redistribution.
- Sorption of contaminants to suspended solids in an aquatic environment with commensurate sedimentation can result in the removal of the contaminants from the water column and their redistribution into bottom sediments. Sediment sorption of contaminants greatly reduces bioavailability since the propensity of a lipophilic chemical to partition from sediments to organisms is significantly less than its propensity to partition from water to organisms. Often the amount of organic carbon in sediments is associated to the bioavailability of contaminants. Sulphur also can affect metal bioavailability in sediments due to its high affinity to many metals. Therefore, more highly water-soluble contaminants can be removed and redistributed through runoff and soil percolation. For example, the herbicide atrazine is ubiquitous in surface waters due to its extensive use and has the propensity to migrate into groundwater because of its relatively high water solubility and low predilection to sorb to soil particles.