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Brief conclusion

The comprehensive insight into the effects of chemicals in the environment requires assessments ancillary to toxicology such as the chemical fate in the environment.

The recognition that environmentally hazardous chemicals commonly share characteristics of persistence, potential to bioaccumulate, and high toxicity has resulted in the development and use of chemicals that lack one or more of these characteristics. These chemical yet fulfill the societal needs previously served by hazardous chemicals. For example, recognition that persistence and propensity to bioaccumulate was extremely responsible for the environmental hazards posed by many organochlorine pesticides led to the development and use of alternative classes of pesticides such as pyrethroids, organophosphates, and carbamates. All these chemicals possess the toxicity necessary to function as pesticides, but their lack of persistence and reduced propensity to bioaccumulate makes them more suitable for use in the environment.


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Online resources

EPA (2013). Aquatic biota. EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency. Available at:

NCBI (2014). 5 Physicochemical Properties and Environmental Fate. Available at: