Table of Contents

  1. Index
  2. UNIT 5 - Transport and fate of contaminants in the environment
    1. Introduction
    2. Transport processes
    3. Environmental persistence and transformation processes
    4. Bioaccumulation
    5. Environmental fate models
    6. Brief conclusion
  3. UNIT 6 - Principles of toxicokinetics and toxicodynamics
    1. Introduction
    2. Toxicokinetics
    3. Factors that affect toxicity: Species Differences
    4. Toxicokinetic and toxicodynamic models
  4. UNIT 7 - Biotransformation
    1. Metabolism
    2. Factors that contribute to xenobiotic metabolism
  5. UNIT 8 - Toxicity Testing
    1. Introduction
    2. Dose-response relationships
    3. Test design and test species
    4. Indicator species
    5. Model organisms
    6. Biomarkers and monitoring studies
  6. Glossary of key terms associated with environmental toxicology